Your Impact
1 in 5 adults in Jackson County receive care from Truman hospitals. -
13% of the region's residents are uninsured. -
60% of the uninsured are employed. -
43% are employed less than full time.
3,380 deliveries
close to half of Jackson County's babies each year are born at University Health. 80% of those babies are born into poverty.
555 medical residents
are trained and 3,800 medical and support staff are employed each year.
No.1 regional leader
in high-risk pregnancies and Level Ill Neonatal Intensive Care is UH.
95% of physicians
UH has faculty appointments at UMKC's Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing. University Health attracts some of the region's – and the nation's – top doctors
2,070 people daily
will walk through UH's doors seeking essential medical and behavioral health care. Your support is vital, and every gift helps save and change lives.
360,000 women, men and children
... that's how many individual lives University Healthtouches every year. We're the one health system Kansas City can't live without.
It adds up:
$150 Million
and more is provided by Truman in uncompensated at-cost medical care each year for our residents–more than any other health system in Greater KC.